Here you will find information on what to expect as a new patient to our practice including educational videos and forms. Our team will strive to help you be at ease and feel comfortable during your initial visit.
First Visit for Adults
To provide you the best service we start by finding out more about your dental health. Your first visit will take about 90 minutes and includes: a review of your health and dental history, a comprehensive exam and chartings of your teeth and gums, a full set of xrays, a jaw joint exam, and if appropriate a dental cleaning.
The video below will explain the difference between a dental cleaning and scaling and root planning.
This video explains your first visit:
First Visit for Teens:
This visit should take about an hour and the exams include what was described for an adult visit, however, a panoramic film is usually substituted for a full set of xrays. The panoramic film allows us to evaluate the wisdom teeth in detail. If any wisdom teeth need to be removed we will provide you with names of excellent oral surgeons and you can schedule an appointment at your convenience.
First Visit for your Child:
This visit will take about one hour. As with an adult, we first evaluate the young patient’s health and dental history, then we begin a comprehensive dental exam including charting and photos, a dental cleaning and evaluation of gum health, bitewing xrays, application of fluoride tretment, and possibly a panoramic xray to evaluate the natural eruption process of secondary teeth after the baby teeth are lost. If there are concerns weather the adult teeth will grow in straight, we will refer you to an excellent orthodontist. To prevent cavities in the pits and grooves of your child’s permanent teeth we may recommend dental sealants.